Emirates 2022

EPG and EPA hosted Emirates 2022 World Stamp Exhibition


UAE Wins Gold Medal in Lugano, Switzerland

Sharjah 2023 Stamp Exhibition

EPA & Sharjah Mega Mall will hold a Stamp Exhibition to promote every aspect of philately in the region

Jakarta 2024

UAE Wins Several Medals at Asian International Stamp Exhibition held in Jakarta


EPA with co-operation of Dragon Mart 2 hold Stamp Exhibition EPAEX 2020

UAE Wins Large Gold in Singapore

EPA participated in Singapore 2019 Exhibition

UAE Wins Medals in Wuhan, China

EPA participated in CHINA 2019 World Stamp Exhibition held in Wuhan, China

UAE Wins 5 Gold Medals in Bangkok



EPA with co-operation of Dragon Mart 2 hold Stamp Exhibition EPAEX 2019

UAE Wins Gold Medal in Macao

EPA participated in the Macao 2018 Asian International Stamp Exhibition

Chapter 3

Chapter I     |     Chapter 2     |     Chapter 3    |     Chapter 4     |     Chapter 5    |     Chapter 6-7    |     Chapter 8

Chapter III

General Assembly

Article 9

The General Assembly consists of all active members who have paid their dues and who have been members in the Association for at least six months prior to the General Assembly meeting.

Article 10

The Powers of the General Assembly are as follows :-

  • To elect the Association's Board of Directors.
  • Discuss reports of the Board of Director and approve them.
  • Approve fees and financial subscription of members.
  • Discuss the income and expenses of the Association, the accounts for current year and the budget for the ensuing year.
  • Discuss Activity programmes and work plan for the following year.
  • Appoint a legal auditor.
  • Terminate members on the recommendation of the Board of Directors.
  • Discuss new activities.

Article 11

Rules for holding the General Assembly meetings:

  1. The General Assembly shall meet once a year, during the first three months of the fiscal year.
  2. Members have to be informed at least two weeks prior to the date of the meeting, by a registered letter indicating the time, date and venue of meeting, or by notice on the daily newspaper.

The Board of Directors shall meet to discuss the agenda at least two months prior to the date of the General Assembly meeting. Any member can get the following details from the Association's Headquarters:

  • The agenda
  • Minutes of previous meeting
  • Administrative and technical report of the Board of Directors.
  • Preparation of the budget, general final account for current year and projected budget for the ensuing year.
  • Members shall send their suggestions at least one week before the meeting of the Board of Directors

Article 12

The General Assembly shall pass the resolutions by a simple majority of members present and voting. In case. of a tie in the voting, the President shall have the casting vote.

Article 13

A General Assembly meeting to be valid must have at least 50% of members present and eligible to vote. In the event of a General Assembly not having the required quorum, the same shall be adjourned for a period of 1 to 15 days. The reconvened General Assembly meeting shall be valid if attended by 25% of members present and eligible to vote. But in the event of even 25% not being present, the' Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs will be free to take necessary decisions.

Article 14

An extra-ordinary General Assembly meeting can be convened under the following circumstances:

  • On request by the Board of Directors
  • Or on official request by one third of the members.

-In which case, the Association's Board of Directors shall call a General Assembly meeting to be held within 30 days of the request. In case the Board Of Director's fail to call a General Assembly meeting, the members can fof'Nard their request for the same to the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.

The rules for extra-ordinary General Assembly meeting shall be governed by Article 13 of the constitution.

Article 15

Ad hoc resolutions of the General Assembly shall be considered valid only if voted by two thirds of members.

Article 16

The General Assembly can at irregular meetings transact the following business:

  • Amend the Constitution of the Association. .Dissolve the Association.
  • Abrogate a resolution of the Board of Directors.
  • Terminate the membership of a member of the Board of Directors.
  • Discuss and accept any resignation of a member of the Board of Directors.
  • Discuss important and urgent matters proposed by the Board of Directors or one third of members.

Article 17

If the agenda is not completed during meeting of General Assembly because of compelling circumstances, the session shall be adjourned sine die. The Board of Directors shall inform the members about the meeting date. Resolutions of first meeting that have been taken up and decided, shall not be discussed again.

Article 18

If the meeting of General Assembly started with proper quorum, the validity of resolutions adopted shall not be affected by a withdrawal of a number of members. However there should still be 50% of the members present.

Article 19

All resolutions of General Assembly shall be discussed openly. However, the election of the Board of Directors shall be by secret ballot. Any member who gets majority of votes will be declared elected.

Article 20

The General Assembly shall be presided by the President of the Board of Directors or by his Deputy in case of his absence. The General Secretary will write the minutes of the meeting and sign along with the President of the Board of Directors.

Article 21

In case of accepting the resignation of the Board of Directors or it being dissolved, the General Assembly shall constitute a temporary committee consisting of five persons to act as interim Board of Directors and simultaneously shall also decide on a date for elections within 30 days.

Article 22

Retainers or delegations are not allowed to attend meetings of General Assembly.