Product Detail


75th Anniversary of the Arab League - 2020



Name of the Issue 75th Anniversary of the Arab League
Release Date

9 June 2020

Denominations AED 3
Souvenir Sheet -
Size 45x30 mm in sheets of 4 stamps

Emirates Post

Printing Method Offset Lithography + Gold Foiling + Embossing
Printer Oriental Printing Press - Bahrain 
Quantities Stamp 25,000
 75th Anniversary of the Arab League 

Since its founding in 1945, the Arab League has witnessed the independence of the Arab States from foreign rule and their accession to the Arab League's membership, which currently includes 22 Arab Member States. The commemorative stamp serves as a reminder of the history of the League and sheds light on the importance of the "League of Arab States Documentation Memory" project, a pan-Arab initiative that documents the history of the League by bringing together the member states in its efforts to preserve regional heritage.